The world we live in now is as sophisticated as it could ever be. People determine humanity and respect, by those few who come to random judgments about being a perfect person. Some pretend they know how and what it takes to get where you should be. They call you by names that categorize you different from who you actually are.

Why do we have to go by some chauvinistic rule with a skewed sense of humanity? We're not here cause of them. They have nothing to do with the decision of us doing what we really do in life. We might be rich or poor, kind or cruel, girl or boy, abandoned or adopted, successful or failure, blessed or cursed, blind or lame, dead or alive, stupid or smart; let it be anything.
From the first moment, we opened our eyes to the last breath we take, every human is under pressure of how they would be accepted by the crowd. Aren't all the same. Okay, somewhat the same. We worship the same God. Born and buried in the same procedure? We come and leave to the same place. Nobody ends up being born on Mars or Neptune.
Life is cruel. Some people get past it as soon as they realize it. Some choose to fall apart and surround themselves with a huge ocean of regrets and blame.
It's mandatory that a child once born must go to school no matter what. They are taught different subjects and some that they won't even remember for a longer period. Honestly, I don't remember what was taught in my social or chemistry class. I don't remember who taught me or how many students were there in my class. I don't remember all faces, especially cause I had moved from school to school and making more new friends were naturally inbuilt in me. I do remember few but not all. I don't remember how many books or pencils I owned.
What is the need of schooling when you know the child is barely going to remember them? What are you trying to teach them? To pass an exam by-hearting random letters and words? Or is it an excuse to get your kids away while you're at work knowing that they are safer at school than at home with a maid?
Our whole life is a puzzle.
People need to really open their eyes to great situations. Learn to appreciate one another. Make wise decisions in their life. Motivate rather demotivates them like you know what's right for them. See the beauty of being alone and being in a crowd. Have a broad mind towards life and humanity. Less drama, more respect. People come to you when you're less dramatic. I find people trying and dragging so hard to get attention. Can't blame them. Who likes to be alone or go through something that shouldn't happen?
Well, guess what. There are 7.5 billion people and not everyone knows your secret. One incident can't determine who you are or make you hate life so hard. If something makes you uncomfortable, change it. If the place you live isn't what you want, explore somewhere new. You don't like the way they talk to you, then change the way you respond that makes them respect you for good. I mean what are you waiting for? Someone, to beg you to be happy? Someone, to give you everything you want in life? We're all common in one thing and that's called being selfish.
Very few dedicates their life helping the ones that are distorted or helpless. God bless them abundantly. Rest, they have no time worrying about your success or failure.
Fitting into this world has been so hard these days mainly cause of people's narrow-minded lifestyle. From childhood, it's always been the grading that matter so much. Literally, how does that matter to you? She failed, yes she failed, I think she really needs to put in some effort. She passed, oo my, congrats, all the best for your future. Categorizing into a different level of standards in such young age, by so called elders. Only if elders cared less, would they not know about it and actually excel in what they are put up for.
Next, comes the university life. Adulthood to be specific. Scholarships. Place. Girls only uni? Pursued in a top ranked or a govt college? Arrears; must be a clumsy person. More friends? Cars? Bike? Drugs? What more? How does that matter to you, sir? Everyone has a choice to go through phases in life. Whether they're 20 or 80, their life never depends on your thoughts or how you judge them. Their mind is developed and progressed to move at a constant phase of life. Whatever is meant to be, will happen and they learn from their mistakes to be someone better than they were yesterday.
If they're smart enough to act the same maturity they speak of.
Sometimes it ends up as a sin being nice to them where they make decisions without confirming you're the one they would fight for. It's easy to point a girl being at fault but no one justifies who's wrong until you're close to one of them. The more you go with, the less you're important. They pretend they know you from people. People who hear from the ones that hurt you. People who don't have the guts to apologize. People who find it hard to work things through a small mistake. People who don't even know the person in you. As it is, can't trust the person even after tying a knot cause there's a door they could walk out. It's called divorce. So tell me how long does it take to trust and love the one we want?
Love is simply, a way to break a face on a mirror for good. Once sunk, never sailed again.
I wish someone endeavors to change the mindset of the society. The way people think or act is similar to someone who sits in a stall selling slippers. You can't walk without one nor can you leave until you buy the best with all the money you can earn. Why? Cause if you walk barefoot, it means you're poor and homeless. Same goes for our life. Take what the public needs or die with shame they tag you get for.
The more you're free and open to few of your friends who you define as the good people, the more likely the next truck hits you with a tagline as being too easy to play with. It's like playing the game of dictionary. People barely sit down to learn few good terms to define the other. Instead, they find it better to stick with the harsh judgmental minds. Well, You should probably have a check on what people talk about you as well.
It doesn't matter what dress you wear, what car you drive or how big your house is. It matters how big your heart is and how you could live a happy life the way you want people to respect you. If you don't like someone, don't share it to another ear, share it to your thoughts and say it really doesn't matter to you and take it out. Be a better human to raise our kids to a better future.
Explore to be somebody.
More importantly, you're a beautiful person inside and you don't need to prove you right or wrong. Instead, push those clouds that surround you and feel that eminent light that radiates who you are. So let people be the same through mistakes that even you encountered to be where you are. If you can, even they can. That's not selfish at all. That's the purest form of love you could ever give anyone.
wow :o
ReplyDeleteYo hippie flower child. Agree with your sentiments.
ReplyDeleteJust a note on teaching at an early age - of course there are things that can be done much better, especially in the Indian schooling system. What the child remembers is not important. It's the process of getting information, learning, curiosity etc that's being developed.
thats well said